What is boat insurance?

Boat insurance can protect your watercraft and provide a financial safeguard if you're liable for injuries or damages you cause to others while boating. Boat policies may also cover your trailer if it gets stolen or damaged. You can select and purchase additional coverages, such as on-water towing or mechanical breakdown coverage, to give you more protection on the water.

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Man driving a speed boat

Is boat insurance required?

Arkansas and Utah legally mandate boat insurance. Lenders typically require boat insurance if you're financing your watercraft, and marinas typically mandate it if you're docking at their facility. Even if boat insurance isn't legally required, boat insurance may be valuable in protecting your investment and covering you if you're liable for any damages or injuries you cause on the water. Learn more about boat insurance requirements by state.

How does boat insurance work?

Boat insurance can pay for injuries or damages you cause while boating, and damage to your watercraft. If you file a boat insurance claim for a covered incident, your insurer may cover you up to your policy's limits and minus any applicable deductible.

One of the biggest myths about boat insurance is that you don't need it because you're adequately covered under your homeowners insurance policy. While your home's insurance policy may provide some protection for certain boats kept on your property, it may not offer coverage while you're on the water. Learn more about what boat insurance covers.

How is boat insurance priced?

Many components influence your rate for boat insurance, such as:

Completing a boating safety course may lower the cost of your policy. Learn more about the factors that determine the cost of boat insurance.

How to get boat insurance


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