Do you need auto insurance with a learner's permit?
New drivers always need auto insurance, including while they're learning to drive. The minimum insurance requirements in your state apply to everyone operating a vehicle, even if they only have a permit. If your teen driver has their learner's permit and plans to start driving, make sure they have auto insurance, whether you add them to your policy or they purchase their own.
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Who has to be insured when learning to drive?
When someone is learning to drive, the student and any adults who will supervise the student's driving should be insured. When choosing a driving school, make sure their drivers are also insured, as they might be held responsible if a student driver gets in an accident.
Adding a permit driver to a parent's insurance policy
Obtaining car insurance for a learner's permit holder is relatively easy. The majority of permit drivers should be eligible for coverage under a parent's existing car insurance policy. This option is generally considered the most favorable. Not only is insurance for teen drivers generally cheaper under a shared policy, but also the permit holder will benefit from all the same coverages as the rest of the family. Plus, once your permit driver is added, they'll start building an insurance history, which can be beneficial when they get their own policy.
Purchasing a separate policy
Getting separate coverage for a permit holder is typically more expensive, but in some cases, it's unavoidable. This may be necessary if:
- The permit holder's parent or guardian doesn't have insurance
- The permit holder is an adult
- The permit holder lives at a different permanent address from their parent or guardian (and isn't attending school)
How much car insurance for a learner's permit driver do you need?
Every state sets its own minimum insurance requirements, but the right amount of auto insurance for your permit driver depends on your vehicle and situation. Your liability coverage should be set at limits that can cover your assets if your permit driver is responsible for another driver's injuries or property damage. Also, since new drivers are typically more prone to mishaps than experienced drivers, you may want to add comprehensive car insurance coverage and auto collision coverage to the vehicle being used by your permit driver.
Learn more about your state's minimum car insurance requirements.
Do you need insurance with a provisional license?
Some states have passed graduated driver's licensing laws that restrict drivers under the age of 18 to a certain number of passengers or driving hours or both. In thesecertain states, drivers who have passed the permit phase but haven't yet received their full license are issued a provisional license.
While provisional license holders may not get the same driving privileges as everyone else, they do have the same insurance responsibilities. As soon as your teen receives a license that allows them to drive independently, they must carry auto insurance in all states but New Hampshire (New Hampshire still requires drivers to show financial responsibility if they're liable for injuries or damages resulting from an auto accident).
Can you get car insurance with a permit?
If you've only just earned your learner's permit but have already purchased a vehicle of your own, you'll be eligible to purchase your own car insurance policy just like any licensed driver.
How to get insurance for a learner's permit driver
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