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What you get as a Progressive customer

Receive meaningful discounts

We're here to make change easier with discounts for everything from getting married and buying your first home to insuring your teenage driver. Progressive drivers earn an average of seven discounts, and we automatically apply the ones you qualify for.

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When you get a car insurance quote with Progressive, our AutoQuote Explorer® tool does the shopping for you. By comparing your Progressive quote with rates from competitors, you can feel confident about the policy and rate you choose.

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We make it easy to…

  • Earn rewards

    Loyalty should be rewarded — that's why we automatically enroll you in our loyalty program. You're offered meaningful rewards like small accident forgiveness right away, and you can earn more as you stay.

    Learn about loyalty rewards
  • Be confident we have your back

    You can have peace of mind knowing that we make sure your rate is accurate, maintain your policies, and help you access savings. We're always here to answer questions or help you make changes to your policy or coverages.

    Call 1-855-347-3939
  • Review your policy anytime

    Download the Progressive app

Protect what matters with the insurer you trust