How to find a pet sitter

2 min read

As much as you would love to take your pets, traveling with them is not always convenient. When leaving your pet with a sitter, you want to find pet care that gives you peace of mind that your pet is safe and happy. Follow this checklist below to help you find a pet sitter.

Tips for finding pet care

Consider your pet’s breed and personality

When finding a pet sitter, it’s important to remember that your pet has a unique personality and habits. Some dog breeds are more friendly and active and get along well with other animals. In contrast, other breeds get anxious and upset when they are away from home or around other pets. Consider the best fit for your pet’s personality and breed and if they’re a good fit for a kennel or an at-home sitter. A boarding situation may not be a good idea if your pet acts skittish or territorial around other animals. If you have one of those anxious breeds, learn more about the best stress relief for pets.

Check out pet sitting programs

When finding a pet sitter, make sure to weigh all of your options. Pet sitting programs such as and are the latest, hottest trend in pet-sitting services. These programs allow you to pick and choose from various vetted pet sitters. and offer a range of services from doggy day care to house and pet sitting to dog walking services.

Visit boarding kennels

If you leave your pet at a boarding kennel, visit the place first and ensure the facility is safe and sanitary. Interview the owners and ask how many pets they board and how long they have been in business. Ask for references from past clients who board pets there. Ensure the boarding facility is insured and bonded, and don’t forget to ask how they handle pet emergencies.

Set up a meet-and-greet with your pet and the sitter

Whether you plan to hire a home pet sitter or board your pet, set up an introduction between your pet and the sitter. Setting up a meet-and-greet before you leave your pet with a sitter or a boarding kennel can help acclimate the animal to the new environment and people.

If you have an anxious pet, you might hire an at-home sitter so your pet feels safe and comfortable in their home environment. If your pet has health/dietary needs and requires daily medication or shots, ask the sitter if they have experience handling special needs pets. If you hire a pet-sitting service like, create a Rover meet and greet checklist for your sitter.

Gather important information for your sitter

Be prepared so your pet sitter isn’t fumbling around for pet supplies or emergency contact information. Ensure the sitter has easy access to the pet’s food, medication, treats, and toys. Create an information folder that includes feeding and medication schedules, your contact information, and friends and family contact information. Don’t forget to include the vet’s phone number and your pet’s medical records in a medical emergency. These are a few of the many things to consider when preparing for a pet sitter.