Weather protection for cars

3 min read

No matter where you live or what season, severe weather can take you by surprise at any time. That’s why it’s essential to prepare yourself for when disaster strikes. Explore ways to protect your car from unexpected weather-related damage.

How to protect your car from high wind and hurricanes

It’s important to make sure your tire pressure is correct, and your windshield wipers are working. This is critical to your safety during hurricanes, heavy rainfall, and strong winds. If you get caught up in a sudden gust, steer slightly against the wind to ease the car back in place. When you move from a protected area like a tunnel into an open space, be prepared for a shift in wind strength. And steer clear of taller vehicles like vans, trucks, and buses, as they’re more prone to a rollover.

You may be unable to avoid driving through a deep puddle or flooded road. If this happens, drive slowly but steadily — too slow, and you may stall; too fast, and you’ll create a wave. Once you get through the water, pump your brakes lightly to help them dry. Learn more about how to prepare your car for a hurricane and tips for driving safely in a tornado.

Are you safe from lightning in a car?

Yes, if you turn off the ignition and avoid touching anything metal. You may have heard that the rubber in the car’s tires will ground and protect you — the fact is, the metal frame protects you. But that metal also acts as a conduit. So, sit still with your arms crossed or hands on your lap until the storm passes.

If you’re driving in a thunderstorm and spot lightning, you can’t necessarily protect your car, but your car can protect you. Pull over, but don’t exit the vehicle. Make sure you’re parked away from trees or other objects that could fall onto your car. Learn more about how car insurance covers lightning damage.

How to protect your car from an ice storm

The most important thing to understand when driving on ice is how to steer into the skid. If you’re losing control, slowly take your foot off the gas and steer toward the skid until you find a spot that gives you more traction.

Knowing how to protect your car from an ice storm comes down to preparation. Check all fluid levels. Ensure you have inflated your tires to the recommended pressure for cold-weather driving. Finally, keep jumper cables and other emergency items in your trunk. Most importantly, keep an eye on the weather forecast and, if possible, keep you and your vehicle safely at home.

How do you weatherproof your car?

There are ways you can provide weather protection for your car to keep it safe from damage even when you’re not on the road.

Keep it under cover

If you have a garage, that can protect it from whatever Mother Nature throws your way — including hail, sleet, ice, rain, snow, and wind. Get a car cover if you don’t have a garage or other structure to shelter your vehicle. Covering your vehicle will help protect it from the elements.

Get snow tires

If you drive in icy conditions often, this investment is worth the money. Snow tires give you extra traction, control, and peace of mind. Make sure you have the right tires on your car for the season.

Prepare for the unexpected

Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle to get you out of trouble if a situation arises. Essentials to pack include a shovel, flashlight, jumper cables, phone charger, water, extra windshield wiper fluid, blankets, and a first aid kit.

When you choose comprehensive car insurance coverage at Progressive, your policy provides coverage for damage to your car that’s out of your control — like severe weather. Know that you can be covered if your car gets damaged by flood water, storms, hail, wind, lightning, floods, and other natural disasters. That coverage includes damage caused by debris, falling trees, and other objects.