Quote Mexico Boat Insurance | Progressive



    This Mexico boat insurance rate and coverage are provided and serviced by third parties. Read more.

    Mexican boat insurance provides the coverage you need for smooth sailing

    Any time you take your boat or personal watercraft to Mexico, you're legally required to carry liability insurance. With Progressive® Mexico Boat Insurance by MexPro, your boat or personal watercraft is covered from gulf to gulf. Simply pick the coverage level and policy length that fits your stay. Then you can relax and enjoy those cool ocean breezes.

    Is boat insurance required in Mexico?

    Yes, you're legally required to carry liability insurance for any watercraft you take with you to Mexico, including personal watercraft like Jet Skis and WaveRunners. Without a Mexico boat insurance policy, you're not only breaking the law but also making it difficult to dock at a port or marina (both generally require proof of insurance).

    Finding the right Mexican boat insurance policy for your trip is simple

    Choose from three different coverage levels based on how much liability insurance you need. Then, choose your policy's length: You can buy a daily plan that lasts for one day or up to one month. Six-month and annual plans are also available if you'll be staying awhile. All policies include up to $20,000 coverage for bail bonds and legal assistance.

    boat sailing on water


      Standard coverage

    Includes bodily injury liability coverage with limits of:

    • $50,000 per person
    • $100,000 total per accident

    And property damage liability coverage up to:

      Better coverage

    • $100,000 per person
    • $300,000 total per accident

    And property damage liability coverage up to:

      Best coverage

    • $250,000 per person
    • $500,000 total per accident
    • $250,000 total per accident

    How does Mexican boat insurance work?

    Once you buy your Mexican boat insurance policy, it's effective for the entire policy length you selected. With daily, six-month, and annual plans, you can stay protected for as long as you need, even if you plan to be in Mexico for part of or the entire year.

    If you're in an accident while boating in Mexico, it's all hands on deck. Reference the claims instructions provided with your policy, and a claims adjuster will help you navigate the process.

    Am I covered while towing my boat?

    No, boat insurance for Mexico only covers you while you're using your boat or other watercraft on the water. However, your Mexico auto insurance policy can extend physical damage and liability coverage to your boat when you're towing it (refer to your auto policy documentation for details).

    Pick up Mexico boat insurance before you leave

    Get a quoteOr, call 1-877-537-7878