Apply to join our network of repair shops

Shop requirements

Technical requirements will be evaluated after a complete application is filled out. Each applicant is required to show the shop meets current specifications, requirements, and repair techniques for restoring customer vehicles to their pre-loss and safe condition. Also, you must provide continuing formal education for all of the shop's management and technical personnel to ensure that proper repair techniques are mastered and utilized.

Other basic facility requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • High speed internet access
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) program participation
  • Digital photography
  • Mitchell Estimating

Our customers are free to choose where (or whether) they will have their vehicle repaired after a loss. The Progressive Guaranteed Repair Network program provides our customers the benefit of a hassle-free option they may choose if they decide to have their vehicle repaired after a loss.

Therefore, participating repair shops will provide:

  • Safe, high-quality repairs guaranteed for as long as the customer leases or owns the car
  • Reduced cycle time (priority service, extended hours, efficient scheduling, and proactive inventory management)
  • High customer satisfaction (on-time delivery, cleanliness, and a professional, customer-friendly shop appearance)

Doing business, the Progressive way

At Progressive, we value our relationships with Claims vendors and strive for fairness and honesty in our associations. We take the integrity of our people seriously, expecting every Claims employee to follow our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

We want you to have positive interactions with Progressive Claims employees each and every time you work together. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics was developed to outline our expectations for their conduct and how to report inappropriate behavior.

This statement is not a contract but summarizes the standards of behavior we expect from our employees and vendors.

Prospective network repair shop profile form

Important: Before you answer the following preliminary questions, please contact your local Progressive Managed Repair representative for more information on availability in your area. If you do not have a Progressive representative that regularly works in your area, then it is unlikely that our program would be expanding in your community.

Please provide basic profile information about your shop using the form below. If we plan to add shops in your area, we will send you a link to the full application. Thank you for your interest in Progressive.

General Information:

Fields marked with an * are required

* Type of Shop
* Does shop meet minimum shop requirements as noted above?